

Our team is here to help GPs and other specialists book patients into the clinic as efficiently as possible. All relevant contact details are at the bottom of this page.

Referrals can either be faxed or emailed to us, or brought with the patient on the day of appointment. Please address all referrals to Dr Keagan Werner-Gibbings.

We are happy to answer any questions and arrange an appointment over the phone if necessary.

Keagan is happy to take phone calls at any time from colleagues, night or day. His mobile number is available from his rooms or through Nepean Hospital switch. Alternately, he regularly monitors his email - - and will answer any questions promptly.

Prior to appointments

Please let patients know that for the first appointment they need to bring the referral (unless it has already been faxed or emailed), along with any recent imaging, blood results and a medication list. Medicare and insurance details should also be brought along

Once the patient has been seen by Keagan you will receive a letter outlining his findings and treatment plan. If there is anything you need clarified, please contact us to discuss.